【WHY RADIO?】— RiceBaby

「WHY RADIO?」是 HKCR 由主持人間訪談系列,旨在探索創作人間於 2021 的年頭,究竟為何堅持做電台節目的源由和意義。








原來如此,我也不會視自己為一位DJ 所以我自己大致也會這樣形容。我也不太受當地的場景的影響。









我自己不喜歡只聽某一音種,我不屬於一名 House 音樂的「Selector」,如果整天只聽 House 太悶了。我覺得好處是你會容許自己發掘更多,而且避免將你自己被封閉於其他的音樂種類之外。

我有時甚至覺得「音樂種類」是挺精英主義的。有人可能會想:『我的天噢,你竟然聽 K-POP ?!』但我覺得如果你有去聆聽不同的音樂種類,譬如即使你喜歡某一首曲,你就會是單純地欣賞它,你不必因為「噢我喜歡它因為它是屬於甚麼音種」的理由而欺騙自己。有時候,我也會想聽一首好聽的流行樂曲或 emo 樂曲之類的,即使今時今日我都不太聽 emo 了。我從不顧慮自己是否認同自己為一名藝術家或DJ ,我分享音樂的原因更多就是我覺得很好玩而且,也籍此希望其他人聽了我的 Mix 也會覺得感興趣,你可能聽了裡面一首曲而覺得『噢這首歌不錯,這是甚麼歌?』,你不會去故意聯想這是屬於甚麼音種,再者我放的mix 甚麼音種都有。

當然,我也有我的音樂種類喜好,但這視乎我的心情和我當時喜歡的音樂。我個人來說,我不會傾向在我的電台節目只想著做同一個音樂種類的mix,我喜歡當是一個故事或一個發展的勢頭順著來。不過這是很個人的,我不會說其他的方法不好,但當你使用了多個音種時這是它的優勢,你可以以氛圍開始然後以 Hyperpop 結尾,對我來說這個手法會比較好玩。

我有時甚至覺得「音樂種類」是挺精英主義的。有人可能會想:『我的天噢,你竟然聽 K-POP ?!』但我覺得如果你有去聆聽不同的音樂種類,譬如即使你喜歡某一首曲,你就會是單純地欣賞它,你不必因為「噢我喜歡它因為它是屬於甚麼音種」的理由而欺騙自己。

對,我明白,我也會使用很多不同的音樂種類。你也是 HKCR 常駐節目的一員?我急不及待想聽你的節目呵!

我想講的是我不喜歡對所有事情太過「認真」,但真的我做這些的原因就是為了好玩,但我清楚能夠休閒地做這個事情是因為我比其他人有優勢,也因為我本身不是一個職業的 DJ/ 音樂人所以也沒有太認真地看待它,我幹這件事是為了發掘更多新或舊的音樂,以及享受分享和策展的樂趣。

重溫 Ricebaby 於HKCR 的節目的最新集數。


‘Why Radio?” is an interview series hosted by our residents, each of them contains conversations of the residents to explore the meaning of making radio shows in the year of 2021.

Interviewed by Gussief

What are some local scenes or circles that inspire you, did it play a role in getting you into music and DJing and stuff?

I live in Denmark but I’m not from here originally so I wouldn’t say I’m very influenced by the local scene here, but I started really getting into it in the beginning of covid. I mean I always liked just curating stuff and sharing music before back when I was still living in Indonesia where I’m from originally. I’ve lived in Europe now for 10 years, and I’ve always had an affinity to music, but I wasn’t really doing it in that sense. I like to share stuff, I don’t see myself as a person who “does” music, because I don’t “do” music you know, I just like to listen to it and share stuff, I started mixing a little bit but I wouldn’t call myself a DJ, you know what I mean?

Yeah I know exactly what you mean

Yeah, I just like sharing music, and I think it was because of the beginning of covid, that I started to just have time to actually start getting into making mixes and all that stuff, you know whereas before I’d be making playlists for a friend’s party or something liek this, so it was more chill, but because of covid being at home a lot, that kind of started it, but I wouldn’t say I’m specifically influenced by a local scene, because also most of the stuff I’m looking into these days, and since I started getting into it, is a lot of south-east and east asian music, which I wasn’t actually digging so much into before. 

That makes a lot of sense, I wouldn’t consider myself like a DJ and I’d probably say the same thing, I’m not really inspired by the local scene round here really either

Yeah, I mean I think there’s a lot of good stuff here as well [Denmark] but when I moved here, I didn’t really know much about the local scene anyways and then covid happened, I moved here not too long before Covid happened, so I guess I was away more, and I always had more affinity to East and South East Asian music and I started digging it after Covid. Most of the stuff I play and look into is focused on south-east and east asian based artists. Not to say I’m excluding other stuff, but I guess I’m finding more stuff that I’m into from SE Asia, and coming from Indonesia, it’s given me more motivation to look into stuff from my own country which I didn’t used to before I got into so-called DJing or whatever.

So as you know we’re based in HK, you’re based in Europe, so do you have any connection to the region?

I’ve never been to HK personally but I’ve got lots of Indonesian friends who have been, and also I’ve got a lot of Inidonesian musician firends who know the scene more (I guess like, really musicians haha). And I’ve only heard good things about what’s happening there, that Hong Kong’s really vibrant and I guess living in Europe, most of the things I see or hear on mainstream media are people’s perception of, you know it always has to do with politics I guess. I’m not an expert on that stuff so I don’t really get into it with people, and it’s Europe, and I live in Northern Europe so it’s even more like, I think living here in general in Northern Europe, a lot of people look at Hong Kong or China as this like, they associate it a lot with politics and riots, all this kind of stuff, like on a mainstream level. THat’s what I know from people’s perceptions, but I don’t really get into it with people, since you know because I’m Asian myself, you know sometimes Europeans have these things that they think they know but they don’t really know, in a more general level I guess. What was the question? What people think of Hong Kong? 


Haha yeah, I mean, I myself, I mean I live here, but I wouldn’t say I can represent what Europeans think of Hong Kong, but I know there is a lot of stuff in the media, but it’s more about politics and less about culture or music or stuff like this

Ha, yeah definitely in America it’s about politics too.

Yeah and people are always like asking your opinion like “what do you think of this?” or “what do you think..” you know, people are always kinda wanting you to choose a side or something, and it’s quite awkward because I’ve never been to Hong Kong and I don’t speak the language or anything. So if someone here in Denmark tends to focus on those big questions more, rather than other things, but it’s usually politics yeah.

So you’re multi-genre, so what’s your perspective on the pros of being multi-genral and do you think there are any cons at all (I don’t think there are but). 

If there are any cons at all?

No! The pros! More focusing on the pros, if there are any cons, mention them as well, pros and cons yknow!

Personally like I don’t only listen to one genre because I don’t feel like it, and I’m not like a house selector or DJ or anything, because just listening to house all day is boring! I think the pros are you get to discover more, and you don’t shut yourself off from other genres. I sometimes think that genres can be quite elitist. Sometimes someone could think “oh my God, you listen to K-pop?! How could you?” But I think with multi-genre, if you like a track, you just like a track, it doesn’t have to be like “Oh I can’t like this track because it’s this or this genre”, and you can’t lie to yourself, there are some days where you want to listen to a good pop song or an emo song or whatever, I mean, not that I listen to a lot of emo these days I think, but yeah, I just think that for me, since I don’t consider myself a musician or a real DJ or whatever, it’s more that I share music and do this because it’s fun, and also hope that people who listen to the mixes or the radio show that I do, you might hear a song and think “oh this song is nice, what is this song?”. And it’s not about keeping a certain genre, there aren’t genres I won’t do. THere’s definitely types of music I prefer for sure, but it also depends on my mood or what I feel like listening to at that moment. For me personally if I make a mix, I tend to not make a mix that is just a single genre. Personally I prefer to go about it, more like there’s a story or a progression on my radio show.  But I think that’s also personal. I’m not saying other ways are unlikeable as well, but I think that’s just the pros of doing multiple genres, you could start with ambient and end with hyperpop, so I think that’s more fun for me anyway.s

I sometimes think that genres can be quite elitist. Sometimes someone could think “oh my God, you listen to K-pop?! How could you?” But I think with multi-genre, if you like a track, you just like a track, it doesn’t have to be like “Oh I can’t like this track because it’s this or this genre”, and you can’t lie to yourself

Yeah I understand I use a lot of genres as well. So you’re a resident on HKCR? I can’t wait to tune in!

I think my point is that I don’t take all this stuff seriously, quote unquote, but really I do it because it’s just fun, I kinda of do it just for the joy, but I also know that I have the privilege to do it for leisure, but maybe it is because I don’t have a career as a DJ / musician so I don’t atke myself too seriously in that sense, I do it because I like discovering artists or new music or old music, and I just do it for the fun of sharing and curating

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