Clansie Cheng Daoyuan

鄭道元新媒體藝術創作者,現居於臺北。作品形式多屬於聲響演出、新媒體裝置、視覺創作等。一體兩面為概念貫穿其創作核心,盼將自身盈於此在;同時摒除於不存在之時空間中:實即虛、存即滅。 Clansie Cheng Daoyuan is a Taipei-based multimedia creator whose works spans experimental sound performance, installation, and visual creation. At the core of Cheng’s art is the convergence of two distinct planes into a coherent form, striving to immerse himself in the here and now, while simultaneously, and paradoxically, seeking to exile himself in this… Continue reading Clansie Cheng Daoyuan

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