On, August 24, Ukrainians celebrate one of the most important dates in their history, the day of the declaration of independence of Ukraine. For 31 years we have been walking our own path. However, for one terrorist state, our independence has become like a bone in the throat. On February 24, 2022, the heroes of today’s episode, residents and natives of Donbass, met the war for the second time. Some of them lost their homes and relatives again and were forced to start life from the very beginning, relive this pain, and reflect it again in their music.

If you want to support artists of Donbas, you can donate to @gareleya.neotodryosh , they provide financial support to artists who find themselves in difficult life circumstances as a result of the war. PayPal:


  1. Колодец Иакова – darkness calls darkness
  2. Monodont – obsession
  3. Symonenko – Moment of beauty amidst destruction
  4. elija – Burning Wadding
  6. I.Krueger – shk
  7. sasha very – frozensea
  8. ріхтер – з тобою в останній раз
  9. Zoinpo – Minin Walk 2
  10. Стас Корольов – RAGE
  11. Matukhno – Trigger Warning

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