Born in 1992, hailing from Kanagawa Prefecture. Proficient in a wide range of musical instruments from different eras and regions, with a focus on percussion.
Born in 1992, hailing from Kanagawa Prefecture. Proficient in a wide range of musical instruments from different eras and regions, with a focus on percussion.
nonoka is the founder of awaport. Based in Tokyo, Japan, she is a versatile artist engaged in DJing, VJing, graphic design, and video production.
Jezzy, a Hong Kong-based DJ and producer. Her music often is a mixture of freaky vibes and textures including genre of breaks, jungle, jersey, bass.
6LOV3 invites Luuli
KOPI O is a Czech-Indonesian artist, piano virtuoso, and DJ based in Glasgow, Scotland.
with qu0th + Kenji
w/ Cedric Madden