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ShioriyBradshaw with DJ Dreamboy

東京出生的 DJ Dreamboy 帶來他的 slow jam 及 R&B 的特選金曲!Tokyo born DJ Dreamboy to present his guest mix in foucs of Slow Jam and R&B.

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Reconnect. w/ Strange Interactions

全球搜羅揀選俄羅斯left-field 電子樂,以至日本的氛圍音樂,以及先鋒的中國 techno 等選曲!From the left-field electronica blooming from the coldest corners of Russia to the experimental ambient music of Japan and avant-garde techno of China.

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Future Rhythms w/ Tanyia invites NEONE The Wonderer

帶來他親自挑選來自英國至牙買加等地的個人最愛金曲!Wolverhampton—based producer and vocalist talking you through a selection of handpicked tunes he holds near and dear, from across the UK, Jamaica and beyond!

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Bedouin Records: CE$

全日來音樂單位的選曲。Composed entirely of music by Japanese artists.

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Ziyan: Take a Break

子顏現居蘇州,在偶然間開始他的DJ生涯。他除了播放音樂以外,他還以音樂撰稿人的身份活躍在中國場景內。Living in Suzhou, Ziyan started his DJ career by chance. Meanwhile, he worked as a journalist in the Chinese underground dance music scene.

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zerrüttet w/ Anni Nöps

聲音視覺藝術家 Anni Nöps揀選播放包括 riad God, Yves Tumor, Kara-Lis Coverdale & LXV 等音樂人作品!Audio-visual artist Anni Nöps, playing music by Triad God, Yves Tumor, Kara-Lis Coverdale & LXV and many more.

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Take Me Higher w/ LeTo & SNKLS

國籍的低音音樂製作人LeTo 帶來他的個人作品選曲混音!Bass producer LeTo playing everything by the artist himself.

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Bedouin Records: Marwa Belhaj Youssef

帶來她自2014 年起最喜歡的Bedouin Records 廠牌發行!Playing many of her favourite releases from Bedouin Records since 2014.

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Hounds of Pamir: Ruhail Qaisar invites Yesh

邀請瑞士出生,現居紐約的西藏歌手及藝術家 Yesh。Tibetan singer/artist born and raised in Switzerland.

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Scott Young

Scott Young (Discos Capablanca/ Born Free Records) ,其他化身包括 Satin Doll 和 Dopamine Rider ,將會帶來他於 HKCR 的客串節目!Scott Young (Discos Capablanca/ Born Free Records) aka Satin Doll and Dopamine Rider to present his guest show on HKCR.