1小時 Cloud Rap 和氛圍等的選曲。1 hour of cloud rap and ambient music.
Category: Highlight Reel
Radio Ensayo 013: Luisi Fer
KCR 的等13集交流節目!由當地的Luisa AKA Luisi Fer 送上!Luisa, from Mexico City, aka Luisi Fer for Radio Ensayo on HKCR EP 13
Radio Isolasido,由 Wok The Rock 與Gatot Danar Sulistiyanto 為Biennale Jogja XVI 成立的臨時電台節目。HKCR is psyched to air the Radio Isolasido,a temporary radio initiated by Wok The Rock, developed with Gatot Danar Sulistiyanto as a part of the Biennale Jogja XV.
Adults Play Radio w/ AudreyX
今集邀請才能是3D 設計的節目嘉賓 AudreyX 。Adults Play Radio invites 3D designer AudreyX .
全新節目「ilookuptotheskywhenimissyou」,內容延續閱讀小系列,每本書都有專屬的playlist,由真人閱讀,伴隨著雨和音樂,還有主持/嘉賓與這本書的故事。New resident program ilookuptotheskywhenimissyou, an radio audio book series featuring live book reading. and sharing from guests
R000000M w/ ICY FLAME
R000000M 邀請嘉賓 ICY FLAME 為節目送上30 分鐘充滿了未發表及其他稀有作品選曲的 DJ set,並由她本人的即場錄音作圓場。R000000Minvites guest ICY FLAME for a 30min DJ set full of unreleased tracks and rarities, followed by her live set recording.
Tales of PRES w/ Kamil Sznajder
向1957 至2004 年間波蘭華沙實驗工作室電台致敬的聲音節目。Broadcast dedicated to sounds straight from the Polish Radio Experimental Studio in Warsaw, which life began in 1957 and ended in 2004.
Sakura Tsuruta w/ imus
Sakura Tsuruta 於HKCR 節目一週年紀念!今集請來節目嘉賓 imus !Sakura Tsuruta‘s residency on HKCR turns 1 with guest imus.
亞洲恐怖、詭譎氛圍及視覺系為主題製作的mix。Asian horror, dark atmosphere and Visual-kei.