Gabber, Hardcode Tech 和 Experimental 曲風的選曲陪著你過年!
Refined selection of Gabber, Hardcode Tech and Experimental tunes!
Gabber, Hardcode Tech 和 Experimental 曲風的選曲陪著你過年!
Refined selection of Gabber, Hardcode Tech and Experimental tunes!
以對發掘 Dub 音樂唱片極具熱誠著名,東京場景的年輕新秀之一。One of the youngest figure of the Tokyo DJ scene, and a passionate Dub records digger.
Ultrademon B2B2B with Baby Loci & suddenstar at Forestlimit
英國—埃及聲音視覺藝術家 FRKTL 常駐節目的第四集。4th episode with British-Egyptian audiovisual artist FRKTL.
Gerpfast Records 第二集節目的嘉賓。 Guest of the 2nd show by Gerpfast Records.
集合電子到爵士到觀世到 Breakbeat 等的動漫精選配樂。 A collection of music featured in anime soundtracks.
跟 Sabiwa 展開音樂探索旅程 。Live with Sabiwa for another music adventure.
Guest show by Aho Ssan
Post punk, Electronic, Alternative
Steven Lee 送上 JPOP, Synthwaves, Ambient sounds 的選曲。