Post-genre, post-location, post-dystopia. This month’s show begins with a ridiculous guest mix from Cr鉻, a Taipei-based DJ and 3D image designer.
Post-genre, post-location, post-dystopia. This month’s show begins with a ridiculous guest mix from Cr鉻, a Taipei-based DJ and 3D image designer.
w/ Sunmoon Ether
AN(8)x is a Berlin-based artist group that curates hybrid art events with a focus on audiovisual performances, dedicated to amplify the voices of queer, FLINTA with ESEA background.
Based in Taiwan. An artist, she explores the nexus of nature and society through diverse creative roles.
A selection of performances by Mark Buckeridge, John Macormac + Robin Price, Muiredach O’Riain and Quantum Foam
Mithril x ciringe
Host ciringe invites legends xxhardbit3s & evilo to bless the airwaves + inject junglist, tekno energy into your life.
w/ Drumloop & Giugno