EARTHNOSTALGIA #1 PLASTIGLOMERATE w/ La Cachetona – 11/01/2024

“Plastiglomerate” takes you on an imaginative nocturnal journey into potential mutant futures.

Plastiglomerates are rare minerals formed in the deep surface of the ocean by combining plastics with other sediments such as fragments of basaltic lava, sand, shells, wood, and coral. This fusion results in a hybrid of plastic and rock. Despite our collective notion of minerals, plastiglomerates are only about ten years old and are produced by human activity. Some research suggests that they may become a permanent fixture in the Earth’s
geological record. This means that as humans, we are the first species in the planet’s history to modify its geological composition

Beyond moral interpretations, this event seems mind-blowing to me as a scientific fact. Inspired by the existence of these hyper-objects, I aimed to create a speculative soundscape that combines tech and artifact sounds with flows of watery, organic, naturebased sounds, suggesting the breakdown of clear distinctions between organism and technology.

As Rick Rubin said, Nature transcends our tendencies to label and classify, to reduce and limit. The natural world is unfathomably richer, more interwoven, and complicated than we are taught, and much more mysterious and beautiful

Mis Huesos Son De Colores en el Inframundo – Abssys
SN Systema (feat ABBY 3000) – I’m Hot
Skulptor – its The Bot That Counts
Nick León (Ralphie Choo edit) – Bulerías
Pobvio, Lila Tirando A Violeta, El Plvybxy & Rattlesnakke – Mata Tool
Sevenbeatz – Back
CCL X Flora FM – Liquify Interference
Arca (T5UMUT5UMU Edit) – Xen
Miss Jay (Roxas Olbiv Remix) – Trascendence
Arca – Electra Rex
Anima – Climax
Fanny aka layer – it feels kinda weird
Lechuga Zafiro – Agua y Puerta
Blurdior – Gravity
Mans O (feat. Khadija & Gitano Del Futuro) – Magia
NAFFTERO (Empire of the sun Remix) – Walking on a Dream
Dj Fucci – Maíz
CLUB MENTAL – Pretty Wine
SN Systema – Unreleased

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