HKCR 2021 眾籌計劃 Annual Fundraiser


Indiegogo Campaign


HKCR (Hong Kong Community Radio 香港聯合電台) 成立於 2016 年,是以灣仔為基地的社區平台和獨立網上電台。

我們已經製作近 700 集包括現場的電台節目、表演錄影和原創的現場演出,當中包括海外及本地的藝術家。作為一個社區平台,HKCR 包容新加入場景的以及在場景裹的邊緣創作者,為他們提供一個可以發聲的地方。

HKCR 是全球網上電台社區的一分子,一個根基於本地而通往世界各地聽眾羣的窗口。

為甚麼香港需要 HKCR





經過整整4年的「beta」實驗運作階段,我們正在邁入 1.0 正式版的重大擴展計劃。這個關乎於我們目標正式地成立一個功能完善的網上電台,以應付因為版權管制日益嚴重的網路環境。這個擴展計劃將會使我們的拓展節目的編排去容納除了身處本地以外的不同地區的藝術家也可以運用我們的平台繼續作文化的交流。





$90 元捐款,我們會送上 HKCR 2020 合輯專輯電子先行下載 Download Code。

$350  元捐款,我們會送上限量 HKCR 2020 Resident 的長袖記念Tee 以及上述的禮品。



第一階段 1.0(現時已完成)

第二階段 2.0(籌款目標:$37,620)
21-22 年的營運開支
全新制作室新 HKCR 以及更多原創的節目內容 

第三階段 3.0(籌款目標:$28,000)
根據心情混音集 Mood Mix,一按即時提供不同場景適合的音樂Mixtape 混音帶


現時的租金以及預算未來新工作室的租金($2000 元)
高速網路供應商($398 元) 
線上存放以供重播節目的 Soundcloud 月費 ($117 元)
網站伺服器($419 元)
網域費用($21 HKD) 

每月  $3,135 元 或 每年 $37,620 元

新網站 1.0 開發(已完成)費用($12,000 元 )
新網站 2.0 開發(2021年)費用(約 $28,000 元)

總籌款目標:$37,620 + $12,000 + 28,000 = $77,620 元







Found in 2016, HKCR (Hong Kong Community Radio) is a community platform  and independent radio station base in Wan Chai.

We have produced more almost 700 live radio shows including original produced artist live session and programms from both local and travelling artists. 

As a community platform, HKCR sees inclusivity as the key for an online platform to be welcoming for newcomers and those who are marginalised to create a voice of their own. 

HKCR is a counterpart of the global internet radio community, a getaway to connect the global worldwide audience while keeping the local community informed

Why is this important

With already scarcity of affordable venues, spaces such as online radio is one of the last piece of backbone that supports underground artists to make performance and other forms of creative activities indiscriminately, it is the space that powered by independent artists and for the independent artists, where commercial music is dominant of the cultural front. 

Since the pandemic hits the globe, we realised that the continuity of freedom of movement are only temporary, however, ideas shouldn’t stop because of physical barriers, hence, it’s important that we should expand the horizon broader, from this planned upgrade of our operation, it enables more cultural exchange through air waves without limitation of timezone and borders. 

Your support to our continual operation will help incubate an up and coming generation of artists. It embodies the city notion of multiculturalism, keeping city’s array of creative dialogue on air.

What is this fundraising is about

3 years into the ‘beta’ phrase of our station, we are going into 1.0 with an big upgrade to our website. This means we finally have a fully functional online radio stream capacity outside of existing streaming platforms which are heavily policed by copy right control system. It would vastly expand our programming ability to facility a wider range of artists who are physically outside of HK but would like to submit a mix to us and to be aired on our station.

Such online platform is rare in the Asia front, we wish to be one of the first station to be able to provide a central point for artists in the regional network who can use our platform to build a together relationship within the continent. 

Our station is independently run and currently not backed by any funding bodies such as government and institutions. We don’t have any income from our streamings nor we do any advertisements. Our (subsidised) tenancy in Footak building will run out soon and we seek to establish a funding from our audience in order for the station to expand the programming capacity and help our monthly expenses.

What You Get

We prepare a range of special perks which will award your generous donation to us. These includes digital compilation to tee and more. 

For $90 HKD donation,We plan to launch a unique digital compilation for each backers and aforementioned gifts.

For $350 HKD donation,We have a special HKCR 2020 Memento Tee and aforementioned gifts.

Your Impact

Your contribution not only helps HKCR to continue running in the next year, it will also help with our upgrading the website which, depending on your contribution, will allow more resources for including more features. Our three phases of update roll out is as follows:-

Phrase 1.0  (Right now)
New audio and video stream player in our website so listeners can tune in 24/7
New shows achieve system allows listeners to search our library of mixes in genre tags
New highlight reel function for featured shows
New schedule function for clearer display
New resident page with one page view of past episodes 

Phrase 2.0  (Donation target: $49,620)
Operation cost for the year of 2021 – 2022
New studio space with more original production
General web optimization for better user experience (small improvements)

Phrase 3.0  (Donation target: $28,000)
Mobile App with show favorites and push notification
Custom Mobile Web layout
New Music Discovery Function
Original Editorial, News, Features plus Video Content
Advance search function with suggested mood, name search and genre tag
New Mood Mix system
Membership function

What We Need
We hope to generate enough money to help pay the expense of web development ($12,000 HKD) plus monthly expenses for the coming year.

Studio & Operational Cost:

  1. Shared Studio Rental ($2000 HKD)
  2. Electricity ($180)
  3. Internet ($398 HKD)
  4. Soundcloud for our achieve ($117 HKD)
  5. Server ($419 HKD)
  6. Domain cost ($21 HKD)​

Total – $3,135 HKD/month OR $37,620 HKD/annual

Website Development:
New Website 1.0  Development Cost: $12,000 
New Website 2.0  Development Cost: $28,000 

Total – $40,000 HKD 

Total: $37,620 + $40,000 = $77,620 HKD / 9,951 USD

We have a flexible target so if we do not reach our target, we will use what we received to pay for our daily expense such as rental and other running costs. We will also consider adjusting our running cost, including cutting off having a physical studio.

Our minimum target is the half of the total estimated cost, it reflects our modest outlook of campaign and we looking for our audience to support half of our estimated cost for 2021 and we shall be responsible for the rest by default.

If we go over our estimation, it can allow us to invest them back to web development as well as upgrading our recording gear, or simply put into reserve for future use. 

Major Donor/Year-Round Sponsorship
We will consider accept major donor and year-round sponsorship. Please contact us directly should you/ your organisation is interested.

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