
P.J.E.T. w/ LimboLimbs – 10/09/2024

LimboLimbs,来⾃ 88rising 的唱作⼈、制作⼈、DJ、派 对组织者。
2015 年 LimboLimbs 以 Beats Maker 的身份开启了⾃⼰ 的⾳乐⽣涯。在采样⽂化及俱乐部场景的影响下,于 2019 年在「宜听⾳乐 Eating Music」发⾏了⾸张实验性 电⼦⾳ EP ,被评价为 “能把脑浆搅浑的 硬核武器” ;参与制作多个⾳乐⼚牌的合辑发⾏,发表了 数⾸贯彻其独特美学的暴躁单曲。
LimboLimbs 幽默感和攻击性并存的性格特质,完整地展 现于其作品中,热衷于将爵⼠、ACG 等元素融合电⼦舞 曲呈现,并将真实的⽣活碎⽚融⼊歌词及编曲中、袒露更 加私密的内⼼世界。
LimboLimbs is a music producer from 88rising‘s electronic label House of Jade. Specializing in incorporating elements of jazz and various peculiar sound samples into her own creations, LimboLimbs demonstrates a penchant for flexibility and stubbornness, oscillating between the traditional and the modern. Continuously exploring the delicate balance that allows her aesthetic concepts to flourish, she navigates the realms of the old school and the contemporary.


  1. B1 Summon That There! – SELEKTOR55 – For Clyde (GTD.71)
  2. Checkmate – Sully – Blue
  3. Mozu – Naco – Yarth / Mozu
  4. I Got Mystery Tour Mix By Shex – Cow’p – Africa 5. Sole Sentiment -Ratman -Rollcage (Limited Edition) 6. Traffic – Cujo – Adventures in Foam
  5. How Could I – Denham – Diamond Life 13 8. I Get High – Bow Street Runner – DUBCODE-1 9. DAT024 – Harmony – Flair Harmony DAT024 – Harmony – Flair / When You Hold Me / Cali Sound 10. Wickers Portal – Ghmffj Lake Effect Records -Cold Front
  6. Jazz Nights – Nicro – Nu:Blu
  7. AA. Bougainvillea -Midnight Runner – PNG-001 13. Got Me Weak – Refreshers – Pork Pie
  8. Lady Drums – Ben Vibrant – Reasons EP 15. Optimist – T>I -Charged EP
  9. Lil Souljah (Original Mix) – Lenzman/Slay -A Little While Longer
  10. The Path (Feat. Matt Panfratiou) -Ben Vibrant – Reasons EP
  11. temp check – Bloody/Mija – Exhibit A
  12. Hyper Dai -Daiela -Hyper Dai
  13. Let it go -Radiax

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