今年最後一期PAUSE&BREAK由Hans Berg運用模塊合成器、鼓機和循環器帶來一期完全即興的純粹硬件Techno live set。Hans Berg是來自瑞典,現居倫敦的低調藝術家/製作人。從旋律感Ambient到Techno,他善於利用模塊合成器構建彷若來自遙遠空間,呼吸感十足的科技聲音夢境。從無到有,從淙潺到驟雨,這一小時裡沒有什麼是預先設置好的。擺脫典型的電子音樂結構,聲音碰撞產生的巧合或錯誤帶來的意想不到正是即興現場的特有魔力。
The final session of 2022, PAUSE&BREAK presenting Hans Berg’s improv techno live on his modular synth, drum machine, a looper, and some loops and effects.Nothing is pre planned so it’s always a rush to do these sets, chance and mistakes often takes him places he didn’t expect at all, and that’s what makes it so fun and meaningful for him to plays live. Hopes this translates to the listener also, as there is no typical song structure – whatever that may mean in electronic music… but the idea is that Hans Berg goes on this discovery together with the listener.Hope you enjoy it!
No tracklist was provided.