In just a couple of years, Venus Flytrap (@rachelrach_) has quickly become a sought-after name among Shanghai’s DJ offering, curating eclectic music for radios, clubs and festivals across the country. Nurtured by China’s community-driven club scene, she recently left the motherland’s embrace in search of her spot on the Antipodean playground in Naarm with less parental control.
Her words on the mix:
“In hindsight this mix sounds like a peaceful and revelatory alien encounter on the beach at night. I can’t believe I actually have the perfect cover photo for it. My partner snapped this photo of me with the head torch on at Little Waterloo Bay, while we were hiking in Wilsons Prom early 2020. Fast forward 3 years and I’ve just moved from China to Australia permanently. In this process there’s been a lot of Reconnect – shedding old labels, acquiring different identities, forming synapses for the unfamiliar shapes of a new city. These ideas have become the strangeness, contemplativeness and hopefulness that formed this set. “
No tracklist was provided.