
bluebubble w/ 路易 – 17/06/2024


In the third episode, Bluebubble invites Louis, the blogger behind the short video series “Louis’ Private Lessons,” to share some mainstream music from non-mainstream language regions.

“怀旧的⼈都喜欢听80,90年代的流⾏歌曲,因为再早的年代还不是电视与⼴播作为主流媒体的时代,⽽ 之后的年代媒体⼜过于多元了。所谓流⾏歌曲,就是共识性最强的歌曲,是⼀个时代过来的⼈都⽿熟能 详,张⼝就来的歌曲。故⽽是依赖主流媒体⽽存在的。所以,那是⼀个流⾏歌曲的⻩⾦时代。

每⼀个⼈都有⾃⼰的童年,每⼀个国家都有⾃⼰的80,90年代,每⼀个语⾔⽂化区都有⾃⼰的经典流⾏歌 曲系统。本歌单避开了英语,⽇语,中⽂三个⼤家最熟悉的系统,选择了⾮洲,东欧,拉美,亚洲等若⼲ 语⾔的怀旧歌,这些歌都是那些⺠族的⽗⺟⼀代年轻时听的歌,所以如果他们听到了⼀定会很感动。就像 你在⼀个欧美的⼴播⾥听⻅《⻩⼟⾼坡》⼀般。听完这些歌,你会觉得世界很⼤,⽽⾳乐很简单,因为所谓的流⾏歌曲,就是⽤三个和弦演给三亿⼈听。”

“People who are nostalgic often enjoy listening to pop songs from the 80s and 90s. This is because, in earlier decades, television and radio had not yet become mainstream media, and in later decades, media became too diverse. Pop songs, as the term suggests, are the most widely
recognized songs—songs that people of a certain era know well and can sing along to. Thus, they rely on mainstream media for their existence, making that era the golden age of pop songs.

Everyone has their own childhood, every country has its own 80s and 90s, and every linguistic and cultural region has its own system of classic pop songs. This playlist avoids the three most familiar systems: English, Japanese, and Chinese. Instead, it features nostalgic songs from various
languages in Africa, Eastern Europe, Latin America, and Asia. These songs are the ones that the parents of those regions listened to in their youth, so hearing them will certainly evoke strong emotions. It’s like hearing “Yellow Soil Plateau” on a Western radio station. After listening to these
songs, you’ll feel that the world is vast, and music is simple because pop songs are essentially three chords played for three hundred million people.”

Track List:
Rocio Jurado – Señora
Ayla Dikmen – Anlamazdin
Özdemir Erdoğan – Aç Kapiyi Gir içeri
Ильхам Шакиров – Ах, Жырларым
Alemayehu Getachew – Washew Ende
Yared Negu – Adimera
ВИА “Поющие сердца” – Кто тебе сказал
Sinn Sisamouth – !”ពកឯងអស)សង*yម
Kishore Kumar – Aa Chal Ke Tujhe
Mashina Vremeni – Люди в лодках
Flora Kerimova – Qaytar Esqimi
Doe Maar – De Bom
Hãtea Kapa Haka – Aotearoa/ God Defend New Zealand
Og’abek Sobirov – Ag’yor aylama
Boyz – Bigharar
Mehrnoosh – Cheshmat
Haizea,DJ Makala – Egunaren hastapena