M sends a song to her parents who once called her “reactionary”. J sends a song to “boy, 17”. XF sends a guided meditation to protesters. C sends a song to F in Hong Kong. F sends a song to X, who is now in London. This is not a game of telephone, but a classic genre of radio programming throughout the Sinophone world since the heyday of Cantopop in the 80s and 90s. Audiences—insomniacs, dreamers, believers—would call in their favorite radio hosts to request songs, along with a personalised dedication, for a recipient of their choosing. These melodic confessions could be as straightforward as an apology, as coded as a crush confession, or as banal as wishing someone a good day. Regardless of the content, what they all say is: I am thinking about you.
Emerging out of a climate of uncertainty, fear, and ruins, 夢中人 Misty Connections Radio makes a redux of this genre of 點歌 (dim2 go1) programme for its radical potential as a space for the nameable but unspeakable, directed but unfinished. As what was almost or not quite yet, or was present and at the same time yet to come, the protective cover of this misty cloud of ‘missed’ connections evokes curiosity, courage, and telepathy, weaving a momentary encounter of radical empathy through which we may be able to reach across and to recognize one another through the mist.
【11/03/23】— 星期六節目表 Saturday Night
𝑀𝑖 or 𝑀𝑖𝑒 in Bahasa Indonesia means ‘noodles’, while 𝑚𝑖 in Chinese can mean ‘rice’. These over-indulgences of critical carbs are the workout diet for the UltraCirculation Study Group. Now back in Hong Kong,
Critical Circulation Mi will stream a few field(work)recording impressions from the last month spent around and about Yogyakarta with KUNCI Study Forum & Collective. Ultra-distortions from the Xiao Mi Sidrassi made by Kajitron. Fabulations slowly unfold…
#ULTRAcirculation @UltradependentPublicSchool @waningQ @ciKUNCI @HOsisters @daulayllama @BAKbasis___
📌 This event is part of the field work of UltraCirculation, a study group within the Ultradependent Public School. Circulated by Wan Ing Que and Elaine W. Ho, UltraCirculation investigates forms of movement that escape mainstream routes of access to capital—cultural, intellectual, economic, political. It is interested in a kind of knowledge that can only be created in transit.Ultradependent Public School unfolds as the public negotiation of a curriculum to learn what we really need to enact the worlds we really want.[IMAGE DESCRIPTION]an oversaturated image of a bowl of magelangan, a Javanese dish that mixes rice and noodles. The white bowl with a rooster print is on a wood tabletop with green background