
Bedouin Records: Granule – 14/01/2021

傍晚6點收聽 @bedouinrecords 與去年9月解散的日本 post harrdcore 樂隊 Granule 的電台特輯。Granule 特別將此集節目獻給 Salem Rashid 及 Bedouin Records。

Tune in to @bedouinrecords radio hour with Japanese post harrdcore band Granule early this evening at 6P.M. HKT, who are offciailly broken up during September last year. Granule dedicated this mix to Salem Rashid & Bedouin Records.

Granule was broken up on 6th Sep, 2020. Tunes in this mix were selected by Granule. Granule dedicated this mix to Salem Rashid & Bedouin Records.

Thank you very much.
