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By using the art of sound as a social tool, Radio Isolasido invites listeners to unravel isolated things so as to foster acoustic phenomena and a comprehensive understanding through the ensembles of narrative and non-narrative sound artefacts in popular, experimental and multilingual artistic articulation.

Radio Isolasido is a temporary radio initiated by Wok The Rock, developed with Gatot Danar Sulistiyanto as a part of the Biennale Jogja XVI.

There are 6 serial works that will be shown in all episodes: 4 popular poems translated into the Indonesian LGBTQI+ slang language and read by Tamarra, a contemporary artist from Yogyakarta; rare and extinct bird sounds; narrative music by New Zealand composer Jack Body who describes his experience studying classical Chinese music; a survival food cooking tutorial by a community from Eastern Indonesia living in Yogyakarta; poetry by Handoyo Purwowijoyo; and artificial intelligence vocal work by Raung Jagad Synthetic.

The first episode featured a cooking tutorial from Lembata, East Nusa Tenggara, percussion music by Tony Maryana, song Mandolin by OM Tawangalun in Using language, electronic music by Gatot Danar Sulistiyono, Kabau by Nursalim Yadi Anugerah, Gaut by Fauxe, Panyuwunan prayer song from an art project Shradda, ambience music by Yudane, sound of the extinct bird Cratoavis Cearensis, first series of narrative music by Jack Body, poetry Aku by Chairil Anwar in LGBTQI+ language, poetry by Handoyo Purwowijoyo, audio clip from Natasha Gabriella Tontey’s video works about communication between stones in Minahasa tradition, a South African folk tale about the creation of the Earth, an artificial intelligence vocal work entitled Kiko, and some sound designs by Bona Zustama. Radio Isolasido theme song composed by Asep Nayak from Wamena, Papua.

Dengan menggunakan seni bunyi sebagai perangkat sosial, Radio Isolasido mengajak pendengar untuk mengurai hal-hal yang terisolir sehingga menumbuhkan fenomena akustik dan pemahaman yang komprehensif melalui ansambel artefak bunyi naratif dan non-naratif dalam artikulasi artistik populer, eksperimensial dan multilingual.

Terdapat 6 karya serial yang ditampilkan di semua episode yaitu; 4 puisi populer yang diterjemahkan ke bahasa prokem LGBTQI+ dan dibacakan oleh Tamarra, seorang seniman kontemporer asal Yogyakarta; suara burung yang langka dan sudah punah; musik naratif karya komposer asal New Zealand Jack Body yang menuturkan pengalamannya mempelajari musik klasik Tiongkok; tutorial masakan survival oleh komunitas asal Indonesia Timur yang tinggal di Yogyakarta; puisi karya Handoyo Purwowijoyo; dan karya vokal artificial intelligence dari Raung Jagad Synthetic.

Episode pertama menampilkan tutorial masakan asal Lembata, Nusa Tenggara Timur, musik perkusi karya Tony Maryana, lagu Mandolin dari OM Tawangalun dalam bahasa Using, musik elektronik dari Gatot Danar Sulistiyono, Kabau oleh Nursalim Yadi Anugerah, Gout karya Fauxe, lagu doa Panyuwunan dari proyek seni Shradda, musik ambience karya Yudane, suara burung Cratoavis Cearensis yang sudah punah, seri pertama musik naratif karya Jack Body, puisi Aku dari Chairil Anwar dalam bahasa LGBTQI+, puisi karya Handoyo Purwowijoyo, cuplikan karya video dari Natasha Gabriella Tontey tentang komunikasi antar batu dalam tradisi Minahasa, dongeng rakyat Afrika Selatan tentang terciptanya Bumi, karya vokal artificial intelligence berjudul Kiko, dan beberapa sound design karya Bona Zustama. Musik tema Radio Isolasido diciptakan oleh Asep Nayak, musisi dari Wamena, Papua.

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Methclass Recording live performance coding music

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Total Care

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Spice of Life

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R000000M w/ ICY FLAME

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The Guestlist by MrKrstoffa (w/Maenad)

MrKrstoffa presents an hour of eclectic music before introducing a special guest to take the reigns and DJ for the final hour.

Upcoming Show

Tales of PRES

Broadcast dedicated to sounds straight from the Polish Radio Experimental Studio in Warsaw, which life began in 1957 and ended in 2004 – following the change of the radio management.  The hour long show includes autonomous works, sound designs for performances, as well as various forms of moving images. Guest audition of an online archiving project –, dedicated to promoting the heritage of Polish electronic music among English-speaking people.


M E T A L │a new sphere – 02/10/2021

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