Sakura Tsuruta is a Tokyo-based electronic music producer and DJ, whose works expand upon her cultural and musical boundaries.
She is best known for her productions with intricate blend of dark and ethereal sounds and her unique DJ style that intertwines rhythms and harmonies from around the globe, always keeping the crowd on its toes.
Her single ‘Dystopia‘ dropped in November 2019 via Bardo Records based in Slovenia, which made the Top 100 Chart on Beatport for Electronica / Downtempo. Her first EP, ‘Made of Air‘ was released in June 2020.
She continues to live up to her hype in the underground music scene in Tokyo, constantly challenging stylistic and creative boundaries, whilst hosting her monthly show at Hong Kong Community Radio, as well as making guest appearances on other international radio platforms such as NTS and Red Light Radio.
She performed her audio-visual performance in collaboration with asagi, at Mutek.JP in December 2019, as well as at Mutek Montreal in September 2020.
JAP|Monthly|1st Monday| 9 PM – 10PM
Next show: N/A