Mana, a Tokyo based event series, seeks to create an open space for all, by linking up with both OGs and local artists around the globe. Explore the soundscape of Mana, from trap to ambient, throughout Emo to Swag. Founded by Soya Ito, dj woahhaus. LinktreeInstagram
Month: January 2023
27/01/2023 – 21:00
Nina Eba
My path in music began from childhood. Even then I had a good voice and dreamed of standing on the stage. This prompted me to enter music school where I learned to play the piano and write music. From a young age, I started playing and singing in various music groups. Later I started writing… Continue reading Nina Eba
Dunia Dalam Analog
IDN|Monthly| 4PM-6PMNext show: 22/02/2023 SoundcloudInstagram
HAKM/MARISHITEN are RYUCHAIRO From noisegrind to ambient metal. This is the experiment genesis of Rychairo search through the source of sound, spiritual and metaphysics of human existence. SUBVERSION IS REAL. (((PRAISE THE DRONE))) USA|Monthly|11AM-12PMNext show: 28/02/2023 WebsiteBandcampSoundcloudInstagram
A Japanese DJ based in Tokyo be active in the Asian scene and global stages. Starting her career as a DJ in 2006 after getting turntables, she has consistently tuned into a globally diverse sound while evolving uniquely, maintaining antennae for regional vibes and influences. In 2016, she released her first MIX CD, “NOVA”, followed… Continue reading ShioriyBradshaw
WRACK is a Tokyo-based DJ/producer.As a DJ, he’s a monthly resident of HKCR, and has given mixes to the likes of Boiler Room, NTS, Rinse, i-D, and Tank. He has also made guest appearances in Japan and overseas, including Mexico City, Seoul, Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Chengdu, Hong Kong, Osaka, Kyoto, and Nagoya. As a producer, he… Continue reading WRACK
Strange Interactions
Strange Interactions is a DJ-duo, party and electronic music label consisting of Melbourne-based artists Yangos & Rita Bass. Having conjoined forces in 2019 to embark on the adventure of exploring sonic worlds together, Strange Interactions are now bass-heads that maneuver the darker side of the underground. Their sound is best suited to murky dancefloors late… Continue reading Strange Interactions
Wikileaks w/ IRAQ – 20/01/2023
WAVES FROM Sanjib – 20/01/2023