Coccyx w Swan Meat [@coccyyx @Swan.meat] – 20/08/24

Experimental Club Musician, Cologne-based DJ poet and producer @swan.meat has been decimating dancefloors all over the US and Europe. Notably closing in on her self-owned space with label releases under @BalaxClub, Apothecary Compositions, @Infinite.Machine, and her self-titled – Swan Meat. She’s made a name for herself peddling twisted melodic complexities broken down into several stylistic shifts and untouched genres, video game samples and hardcore sound.

mutante/im broken
dj zvonmir/viande pourrie
murder club/poppy playtime
plexøs/the stroke
floxytek/nuclear gipsz
dr looney/insanET
the speed freak/darkness falls
dj plaisir/keyboard crusher
tayphoon x bauschutt und moschus/bassexuell
dr mindfuck/beine
blood of aza/outcry
ciara/the evolution of music
swan meat/homeward bound
dj pacifier/xenarthra
uvcore/w t f
vrodak/forbidden escape
iwrestledabearonce/tastes like kevin bacon
protest the hero/bloodmeat
cephalic carnage/endless cycle of violence
exhumed/the matter of splatter
children of bodom/bed of razors
deicide/carnage in the temple of the damned
tony danza tapdance extravaganza/the alpha the omega
dååth/where the slime live
cradle of filth/cthulu dawn
ænigmatum/floods within a splintered cortex
the faceless/planetary duality I
war from a harlots mouth/how to disconnect…
digitonica/the beast with a million eyes
diamond construct/delirium
vomit forth/severely wounded
morbid angel/cleansed in pestilence
meshuggah/in death-is death

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