M E T A L | a new sphere – 14/11/2020

新一集的 M E T A L|a new esphere ,主持 Ruben Marino Tolosa @rubenmarinotolosa

New episdoe of M E T A L|a new esphere with Ruben Marino Tolosa @rubenmarinotolosa.

Show description:
My name is Rubén Marino Tolosa, I was born on July 7, 1973, I am Argentine, self-taught, curious and a music lover by nature. My first expressive approaches were linked to radio and music as a researcher of rock culture and dj culture (1991). Between 2000 and 2008 I carried out the character D.J. Buenmozo in plays such as dj, platelet edition of poetry, audio and performances. Since 2009 I have devoted myself to researching a new genre: radio art and its consequence, sound. I have a natural organic and agro-ecological food store. In 2019 create M E T A L “a new sphere”: a musical and sound synthesis of many genres that I have addressed (culture: rock, radio art, ambient, electronic, classical, dance, soundscapes, folk, jazz, spiritual, mixtapes, fusion) plus the contemporary and new that I continue to discover; the idea is to work with what is currently called “musical-sound information”, using new media and the Internet as a search and research support, it is addressed as a theme, listening to musical information.
Art and production: Rubén Marino Tolosa


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