Month: May 2021
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Vincent Yuen Ruiz
Austin Lam
Happy Together
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“swinging by” – an online-streaming concert series curated by Ahkok Wong「swinging by」網上現場演出系列(策展人:黃津珏)True progressive sonic culture must contribute to the development and maintenance of anti-oppressive networks. With this as the key idea behind its curatorial process, “swinging by” proudly presents two live-streamed concerts which seek to create space for under-represented and marginalized indie artists from Hong Kong. Four independent music units, Para//el, The Prototyke Lab, rawtrack, and Spiritual Teenagers Centre were invited by curator Ahkok Wong to perform in the concert series. The concerts will be streamed on two platforms, respectively Hong Kong Community Radio (HKCR) from Hong Kong, and The Quarantine Concert organized by Experimental Sound Studio from Chicago, so as to make their voices heard by many others.
真正進步的文化領域不止於一種聲音;社會上不對等的(潛在)權力關係建構出人的獨特性與人類群體的多元性。從少數/浮游在罅隙的狀態發聲,其抵抗能力足以影響生態的發展和平衡。是次「swinging by」網上現場演出系列,策展人黃津珏邀請了四個來自香港、關注各種社會議題卻未被發掘的獨立音樂單位 Para//el、The Prototyke Lab、我拆(rawtrack)及精神少年中心(Spiritual Teenagers Centre)演出。兩場網上現場演出將分別於兩個平台:來自香港的 Hong Kong Community Radio(HKCR)及來自芝加哥的 Experimental Sound Studio 舉辦的 The Quarantine Concert 進行,讓他們的聲音被更多人聽見。:: Online-streaming concert session 1 第一場網上現場演出 :
Performing units 演出單位:Para//el (, The Prototyke Lab @theprototykelab @mxchanwanvincy
Date日期:14.5.2021 (FRI 五)
Time: HKT 9pm 香港時間晚上 9 時
Link to performance 觀看演出鏈結: