音樂創作及即興音樂的精選歌單。A playlist on the correlations between composition and improvisation.
Month: March 2022
業力引爆 Karma Detonation Tapes 的主理人以及噪音遊擊演出的組織者 Chia-Chun Xu作為節目嘉賓!Karma Detonation Tapes & guerilla noise gig ” Outer Pulsation” organizer Chia-Chun Xu.
song of home by e/tape
帶來節目 song of home 的混音,氣圍、原聲配樂、田野錄音及典藏錄音等!11點場收聽!Inspired by “Olm: Life in the dark”. music by friends and artists he admire, in the form of some ambient,soundtrack field recordings and archival sounds.
揀選播放 Eleni Karaindrou、Sofia Ozdravovna、Lyra Pramuk、Happy Days等五十多名音樂人的作品!
Playing music by more than 50 plus artist including Eleni Karaindrou、Sofia Ozdravovna、Lyra Pramuk、Happy Days.
Yu Chao
Yu Chao 的作品根基於glitch 與噪音音樂,並經常以跨媒體方式融入於視覺藝術。他的音樂帶強烈的工業和古典樂曲風,並與後人類主義串聯。喜愛自然的他身居遠郊。本集的混音冰冷的古典及當代電子音樂選曲!Rooted in glitch and noise music, he often combines his work with cross-media visual arts. There is a strong industrial and classical genre in his music connected with post-humanism. Besides music work, he often stays in suburban areas. He finds his own inner peace when he is close to nature.
Break The Bias w/ Sakura Tsuruta
為慶祝明日的 #IWD 國際婦女節,今集 Sakura Tsuruta 帶來以女性為主題的精采選曲,當中囊括了多名國際間女性藝術家的音樂作品!Sakura Tsuruta presents #BreakTheBias show ahead of #IWD tomorrow on 8.3.22. With tracks by many international female artists!
Ghost Dive
I want to take a moment in these difficult times to support those affected by the war in Ukraine. Everyday since, people are suffering and struggling to survive. Therefore, I featured three tracks from the Ukrainian label, Standard Devation, in this set to shed light on their great work and show my support for those in need. Check out their releases if you like the tracks: standard-deviation.bandcamp.com