Upcoming Show

ricebaby mix and picks

Indonesian currently based in Denmark (in her free time), ricebaby mixes, picks, compiles and unfolds an assorted journey for the given hour as opposed to choosing a set genre; it could go from ambient, traditional instrumental sounds, chill pop, easy-dancy-housy, disco, feel-good tracks, to energising-anime-like-songs (and everything in between). What’s sure is that she focuses mostly (but not always exclusively) on east/south-east asian tunes 🔮💗

Upcoming Show

ShioriyBradshaw with DJ Nativesun


The Mothership Series w/ Rainmaker – 22/09/2021

Mothership is an art collective based in Colombia, which looks forward to showing emerging artists and new manifestations of the sound.

Breaking barriers, this collective wants to connect and create a collaborative community focused on the avant-garde and deconstructed sounds of the world.

E+E – Elysian Dream
OMAAR – Drum Dance
Ninos Du Brasil – Clelia Clelia
Hound Sclaes – A Clique Of Tough Women (Yuji Kondo Remix)
Fleck & E.S.C – Nice Guy (Pip Williams Remix)
Binary Algorithms – Boomin’ System [Forthcoming NEAS]
Amantra – Coin Operated Female [Forthcoming NEAS]
Jam City – Worst Illusion
Rainmaker – Inmortal #2 [Forthcoming Artificio]
Splash Pattern – Severe (Object Blue Remix)
Tomás Urquieta – Naipan
Lithe & Local Support – Satisfy
Kanye West – Off The Grid (Acapella)
Despina & Data Soft – Choker Release
Dehousy – Persian Club
Imaabs – MORPH
Entrañas & PVSSY – Gibeon


New Work City Records w/ Technomaterialism – 22/09/2021

Avid dance music enthusiasts and prolific music critics Mathys Rennela and Jean-Hugues Kabuiku return as Technomaterialism for the final show of their guest residency with New Work City Records. Today’s show is centered around French rap and how it relates to issues such as police brutality, the French Black struggle, Black Arab solidarity, as well as the 2005 riots.

Oxmo Puccino – J’ai mal au mic
Suprême NTM – Police
Set & quipe (feat. Rimcash)
Saian Supa Crew – La Preuve par 3
ILL – Les bidons veulent le guidon feat. Time Bomb Team
Suprême NTM – Ma Benz (feat. Lord Kossity)
Iam – L’empire du cÃŽté obscur
MC Solaar – Solaar pleure
Saian Supa Crew – Polices

Upcoming Show

Bedouin Records: Junya Hirano (environment 0g / remodel)


Take Me Higher w/ SNKLS – 21/09/2021

Jana Rush_Drivin’Me Insane (Ft. Nancy Fortune)
Wormfinger_I break
dj haram_Mother_82
quest?onmarq_Like This
Homesick_Like This 2020
EQ Why_Lotta Money (Juke remix)(Dirty)
Arma_Wolves Tool(Arma edit)
Colin Muir_Movrend
SNKLS_Matin Shape
Atom TM_0.9(almost a unit)
Nahash & SNKLS_March Sadness (soon at Polaar)
Merca Bae & Bitterbab
Flore_Coded Language( 3Phaz remix)
Gwia Ekim & Indigoblue_Content Corruption (SNKLS remix) (soon at Club Late Music)
Artilect_Rhythm Seeker
Stazma_Voltage song (gangstertrackermix)


XAN – 21/09/2021

No tracklist was provided.


Ruminations on Impermanence by Opal Beau – 21/09/2021

It’s impossible to tell if the quietude and the blank expression on the face of the performer is a sign of relaxation or stress. I’ve learned that whatever sounds peaceful is informed by chaos, and there is always an order underlying the mess. I’ve also learned that it’s never as simple as it seems, especially now. Previously an audience kept the performer company, but now the lounge is empty, the audience is invisible, the performer is alone. This is lounge music for when the lounge is the bedroom, and the studio, and the dining room, etc.

Caetano Veloso – London, London
Opal Beau – Autumn
Twye – Nocturne for Stationary Ones
CVN – 舌䞋 (Karaoke)
Bebel Gilberto – August Day Song
Other Joe – Somatic
bela – caustic waves
Plasma – Restricted Area (Chill Mix)
7038634357 – Landing
woopheadclrms – korpokkur
Ubu Boi – Hide
Lara K. – There’s a Dying World in Us
Contacto – Losing Hold
Lemongrass – The Bell
Slikback – OPTIMAL
䞭谷矎玀 Miki Nakatani – 雚だれ
Troth – Small Movements in Radiance
èvia – tear hail
Eilien – Dawned
unstabile – capability
Instra:mental – Photograph
sortlegeme – falling
Elis Regina – Ela


Yiiee – 21/09/2021

No tracklist was provided.


【專蚪 INTERVIEW】Yongsi 泳思

連結收聜 Yongsi泳思 為 HKCR 特補的 Select Mix 歌單
(Currents.FM/ Spotify)


圚其剛斌8 月掚出其銖匵EP《Is anybody out there?》旅居日本的暂手Yongsi遊戈斌自我與他者的邊界圚語蚀的暡糊間重新叩問「我」為䜕物。


日本を拠点に掻動するアヌティスト、泳思は、8月にリリヌスした1st EP「Is anybody out there?」にお、自己ず他者の境界を圷埚い、蚀語の曖昧さの間で「私ずは䜕か」を再び問いかけようずしおいた。


Q1. 䜠奜Yongsi。可以簡單介玹䞀䞋自己嗎


䜠奜我叫泳思。泳思是我媜取的本名意思是「願䜠的思緒萬千劂氞恒的流氎䞀般生生䞍息」。我生斌䞭國貎州貎陜是倧山里出生地球䞊長倧的孩子。我埞12歲開始䜜詞䜜曲圚2019幎的時候癌䜈了我的第䞀銖敞碌單曲——〈Where I Will〉。珟圚人們把我歞類成「藝術家」。

こんにちは、私の名前は泳思です。母が぀けおくれた本名で、「あなたの感性が無限の氎のように氞遠に流れるように」ずいう意味が蟌められおいるらしい。貎州省貎陜垂の山生たれで、地球育ち。12歳に䜜曲を始め、2019幎に初のデゞタルシングル「Where I Will」をリリヌスしたした。今、人々に「アヌティスト」ず呌ばれおいるず思いたす。

Q2. 當初為䜕遞擇旅居日本




Q3. 埞䞭國到日本這幎又埞京郜蜉到東京這皮跚語蚀、跚地域的經驗對創䜜有什麌圱響





Q4. 䜠怎暣看京郜的 scene斌京郜掻動時有沒有䞀些經垞亀流的暂手




又或是離垂區比范遠藏圚䜏宅區之間的空間藝術會堎「倖」圚那裡我開了離開京郜之前的最埌䞀堎live策劃這堎event的人是我非垞尊敬的去幎才埞東京移居到京郜的圚日本非垞有名的DJ Kotsu埈倚他的藝術理念我郜非垞有感觞胜癌展到今倩這䞀步真的受到了他非垞倚的照顧。同堎挔出的藝術家還有sound designer/ dancer lyo Taniguchi 和sound maker/ DJ E.O.U。我和Lyo Taniguchi圚去幎䞀起制䜜了他的EP《Nichts》我擔任了EP党四銖䜜品的䜜詞䜜曲人聲和呜名這段制䜜經歷圚埈倧皋床䞊幫助我扟到了自己的曲颚。



あるいは、ダりンタりンから離れた䜏宅街にひっそりずある空間芞術のハコ「倖」。京郜を離れる前の最埌のラむブはそこで行いたした。このむベントを䌁画したのは、去幎東京から京郜に匕っ越しおきた、私が尊敬しおいるDJのKotsuです。私は圌の゚ンタヌテむナヌずしおの考え方に倚くの圱響を芚え、圌のおかげでここたで来るこずができたずも蚀えたす。このむベントには、サりンドデザむナヌ兌ダンサヌのLyo Taniguchiや、サりンドメヌカヌ兌DJのE.O.Uも出挔しおいただきたした。Lyo Taniguchiずは、昚幎、圌のEP『Nichts』を䞀緒に制䜜し、4トラックのEPで、䜜詞、䜜曲、ボヌカル、ネヌミングを担圓させおいただきたした。この制䜜経隓によっお、自分の音楜スタむルを蟿り着くこずもできたず思いたす。

Q5. 珟圚的音暂路線受到了那些暂手或䜜品的圱響

受圱響最倧的還是叀兞音暂特别是蕭邊跟執圪西。最近受電圱配暂的圱響比范倧其䞭最喜歡Jóhann Jóhannsson, Apparat和Jun Miyake。䜆本次䜜品的靈感䟆源斌Pink Floyd。

䞀番圱響を受けおいるのは、やはりクラシック音楜で、特にショパンずドビュッシヌですね。最近では、映画のサりンドトラックにも圱響を受けおいたす。Jóhann JóhannssonやApparat、䞉宅玔が特に奜きです。ずはいえ、このEPは特にピンク・フロむドに圱響を受けおいたす。

Q6. 《Is anybody out there?》䞭每個詞——包括「」——各自斷成䞀個個曲名。為什麌遞擇以這皮方法線排曲目

「Is anybody out there?」の各曲名に぀いおは、「」も含めお、それぞれの単語がトラックタむトルに分解されおいるず思いたすが、なぜこのような構成にしたのですか



〈anybody〉是關斌狹矩的「我」與廣矩的「我」之間所進行的意識圢態䞊的談話。第䞀芖角闡述的是以狹矩的「我」䜜為「我」掻圚這個目胜芋手胜觞的䞖界所感受到的可蚀語化的情感。第二芖角代衚的是廣矩的「我」䜜為「我」/ 「我們」掻圚意識空間異次元所感受到的䞍可蚀喻的情感。而這裡所提及的任䜕䞀個「我」/ 「我們」可以是任䜕䞀個人。









Q7. 盞比歀前兩銖單曲《Is anybody out there?》䌌乎曎泚重衚珟人聲和蚀語的朊朧曖昧。這與EP的創䜜理念有沒有關係

前の二䜜のシングルに比べお、「Is anybody out there?」は、人間の声の䞍明瞭さや曖昧さをより匷調しおいるように感じたすが、これはこのEPのアむデアず䜕か関係がありたすか



Q8. 這次的EP由Yosi Horikawa負責混音和mastering。兩䜍合䜜的契機是甚麌合䜜過皋䞭有沒有什麌有趣的經歷

このEPのミックスずマスタリングはYosi Horikawaが担圓しおいるず思いたすが、このコラボレヌションはどのように始たりたしたかたた、今回のコラボレヌションで䜕か面癜い経隓はありたしたか

Yosi Horikawa是我圚京郜時盞識的䞀䜍DJ Alex介玹的我們只通過郵件亀流過還沒有芋過面。芁說有趣的經歷的話對斌我䟆說應該是圚他幫我混音的期間我䞀盎無限埪環他的〈bump〉就為了想像他到底會怎麌矎化我的䜜品哈哈哈。

Yosi Horikawaを玹介しおくれたのは、京郜で知り合ったDJのAlexです。ずっずメヌルでのやりずりしおたので、今でも盎接に䌚ったこずはないです。面癜い䜓隓ずいえば、圌が私の䜜品をどのように完成しおくださるのかを想像するために、圌の「bump」をずっずルヌプしおたこずかな笑。

Q9. 原音暂噚、田野錄音與電子音聲圚䜠的創䜜䞭分別有什麌䜜甚圚䜜品䞭䞉者有著怎暣的關係





Q10. 胜分享䞀䞋未䟆的蚈劃或展望嗎




Yongsi 泳思的銖匵EP 《Is anybody out there?》珟已癌行。


Listen to the Select Mix created by Yongsi for HKCR (Currents.FM/ Spotify)

It has almost been two years. Every single day is sterilized, with conversations quarantined by the masks. Our life before – the relationship between the external and us – has been fading into oblivion, that we eventually start imagining a past that we still could immediately embrace the world. But didn’t various forms of sanitizers and masks, different barriers and dividing lines, also exist in the “past”? What is ultimately the thing that we call the relationship between the external and us?

With her first EP “Is anybody out there?” released in August, the Japan-based artist, Yongsi tries to wander around the borders between the self and the other, asking the question “What am I?” again in the ambiguity of language. 

Interview by gari

Q1. Hi, Yongsi. Tell us a bit about yourself.

Hi, my name is Yongsi. It’s my real name given by my mother, which means “may your sentiments be infinite, as everlasting as the eternal flowing water”. I was born in the mountains of Guiyang, Guizhou, but an Earth brought up child. I started composing songs at the age of 12, and released my first digital single Where I Will in 2019. Now I think people would categorize me as an “artist”.

Q2. What brought you to Japan in the first place?

With no special reason. I just felt like it’s time to move on to the new place. Honestly, it could be anywhere.

Q3. Moving from China to Japan – once again, from Kyoto to Tokyo this year – how do such translingual and transregional experiences influence your music?

In fact, I had also lived in the US and the UK for some time. When I was in the UK, I had also been travelling around Europe for a while. Time I spent overseas probably takes up one-third of my life. This series of experiences help me develop some ideas concerning time, space, materials and humanity as well. They are partly reflected in my works, while the meanings of the remaining parts are still yet to be known. Every bit of the happend, the happening, and the going-to-happen deserves to be explored calmly and slowly. If I were to depict what came across my mind with only one sentence, I would say it feels like “an orderly chaos that exists without a bearer”.

Q4. What do you think about the scene of Kyoto? Were there local artists that you got along with when you were active in Kyoto?

Kyoto is a much more introverted city compared to others that I’ve been to. But just like the introverts, time has to be spent if you want to dig deep into those hidden gems. You can’t even get into some places if you’re not introduced by someone – in Japanese, this is called “Ichigen-sama-okotowari” (䞀芋様お断り). That’s why being well connected is so important there. Many outstanding artists are like the blood of Kyoto, flowing underneath those buildings which seem to be antique and tranquil, seamlessly and endlessly.

Like the bar KAZU which I used to go to. It is hidden between two skyscrapers built behind the parking lot. If no one brings you there, you’d probably think entry is restricted. Over there, you can meet a lot of people who come to get themselves drunk for some odd reason.

Or the spatial art venue Soto which is hidden in the residential area away from downtown. I held my last gig there before I left Kyoto. The event was organized by the famous DJ Kotsu, who moved from Tokyo to Kyoto last year, and who I respect very much. I was moved by many of his ideas of being an entertainer, he means a lot to me for being able to come this far. Artists like sound designer/ dancer, Lyo Taniguchi and sound maker/ DJ, E.O.U also performed in the gig. Lyo Taniguchi and I produced his EP Nichts together last year. I took charge of the lyrics, composition, vocal and naming of the 4-track EP. This experience in production helped me find my own musical style to a large extent.

Q5. Could you name artists or works that influence your current musical style?

The biggest influence still comes from classical music, especially Chopin and Debussy. Recently, film soundtracks have also been quite an influence on me. Jóhann Jóhannsson, Apparat and Jun Miyake are my favorites. That said, this EP is particularly inspired by Pink Floyd.

Q6. Each word in Is anybody out there? – including “?” – is broken down into track titles. Why did you choose to arrange the tracks in this way?

To me, lyrics and melodies correspond to each other in every song; and when they are linked together, they form a complete sentence. For this work, as every track is linked together, they in turn form a larger piece of music.

In English grammar, sentences that begin with “is” (the verb “be”) are questions necessarily. That’s why in the first track Is, tribal and primitive beats and rhythms are used, wolf’s howl is mimicked by the vocals, and the closing section is arranged with reverses. The aim is to bring time and space back to the epoch when all were still unknown but mountains and rivers, and by doing so, the most instinctive emotions of human beings can be evoked.

anybody is an ideological conversation between the “me(-s)” in a narrow sense and in a wider sense. What’s illustrated in the first perspective is the verbalizable emotions of “me” in the narrow sense qua “me” who lives in the world that can be seen or touched. While the second one represents the unverbalizable emotions of “me” in the broad sense qua “me” who lives in the space of consciousness (in another dimension). The “me” or “us” here, can be anyone.

out seeks to present the state that when everyone or ideologies mentioned above break through the walls in any form, starting to experience each other and eventually unite in one. This apex is exactly there. But where exactly is there? What is this state like? It is unknown to all, so it ends with “?”.

? is nothing but a word that verbalizes – somehow like a monologue – my memories of the first day I started making this EP. It feels as if I came back to Earth in the end after a space trip, all sorts of fantasies and disorganized answers have ended with a “?” – the most common, unsurprising moment. And the power generated from this moment is like undercurrents around me, so I’m still willing to wake up at any moment. To put it simply, the structure of the whole EP is just like birth or death or sex lol.

Q7. Compared to the two previous singles, it seems that Is anybody out there? has a stronger emphasis on the obscurity and ambiguity of the human voice. Does this have anything to do with the idea of this EP?

A lot, I would say. But there is simply a lot to talk about when it comes to the whole idea of it, so now I’m just going to share a little thought here. After learning several languages, I really feel like “language” (the symbolic) is not helping us communicate at all, it is rather triggering various misunderstandings and conjectures. It’s because the relation between language and the material is essentially random. I always feel like I’m “betrayed” by language, no kidding (maybe it’s just because I suck at talking). It’s related to a chicken-or-the-egg paradox in linguistics that is generally called the Sapir–Whorf hypothesis. Check it out if you’re interested to know more, it’s really intriguing. But what I want to say is that information transmitted by language is always either much more than we have heard, or much less than we have heard. Truth and falsehood coexist. The way of judging, at the end of the day, requires us to ask ourselves. Temporary hostility and blind following  all go to waste. So, no matter who gives you an option – whatever it might be – you should always try to feel and pursue your own truth. Only when you have understood yourself, you are likely to be able to understand others and treat them well.

Q8. This EP is mixed and mastered by Yosi Horikawa. How did this collab start? Was there any interesting experience in this collab?

I was introduced to Yosi Horikawa by DJ, Alex, who I met in Kyoto. We’ve been interacting only through e-mails, so we haven’t met each other face-to-face even now. Speaking of interesting experiences, to me, it’s probably that when he was doing the mixing for me, I kept looping his bump, just to imagine how he would embellish my work, lol.

 Q9. What roles do acoustic instruments, field recording, and electronic sound play respectively in your music? How are the three related in your work?

Acoustic instruments are the cornerstone of my works, generally I only use piano for composition. Field recording is only a sort of preference, I feel freer being close to nature. While electronic sounds are used to add immensity to the work as a whole.

Q10. Could you share your future plans?

I might try to release an improvisation album that is only recorded with piano and human voice.

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Yongsi’s debut EP ‘Is anybody out there‘ ? is out now, listen.